Brian Clevenger, Executive Creative Director at Clock Four

“In my career, I’ve encountered two kinds of Executive Creative Directors: Ones that are amazing creatives, but not-so-good leaders. And ones that are great leaders, but so-so creatives. That was before I worked with Dave. 

Dave is a rare breed. An anomaly. A unicorn, as one colleague put it. He is the perfect blend of great creative and great leadership. 

Over my two years of working with and for Dave at Rosetta, I always looked forward to our projects. Pitches, existing clients, positioning the agency—no matter how difficult the job or client and no matter how long the hours, the process was always fun and the end product was always outstanding. 

And if things couldn’t get any better, get this: He’s a good guy. A really good guy. Actually Dave has a simple policy: No matter how talented you are—if you’re an asshole—he won’t hire you. It’s this kind of simple logic that not only yields a superior creative culture, but an incredible agency. I look forward to working with Dave again.”